0800 711 7373 info@humanoid.uk

Getting Started

Getting Started

Getting Started

Humanoid specialises in a wide range of video services. Many of our productions combine
different video styles — scroll down for just a few examples. Contact us today and we’ll send you
our recommended approach to your project, plus a free estimate for all production costs.
Company Profile

Company Profile

Make the best first impression: we’ll combine interviews, footage and archive material
to tell the world about your company.



Scripted naturally or unrehearsed, we’ll help you plan the right prompts and compose an attractive shot against a relevant backdrop.

Location Shoot

Location Shoot

We’ll come to you! Show us around your site — we’ll capture the best of your facilities and activity in a memorable creative edit.

Instructional Video

Instructional Video

We believe instructions can always be clearer. Take it step by step with unmistakable directions in an easy-to-follow video guide.

Product Video

Product Video

Highlight your product’s best features with a creatively-composed video sequence, from manufacturing to the polished end result.

Product 360

Product 360

Put your product centre stage: we’ll take HD images from every angle to loop seamlessly as a video or interactive web display.

Aerial Video

Aerial Video

Stunning HD aerial footage at heights of up to 400 feet. Humanoid is approved by the Civil Aviation Authority to fly drones in the UK.

Event Video

Event Video

We’ll capture any conference or event with our multi-camera setup and provide edited
full-length coverage or talk highlights.

Motion Graphics

Motion Graphics

Logos, captions and full illustrations: make your point with creative style in an original 2D/3D animation, storyboarded from concept.

How can The Power Of Video help you?

Get In Touch