NHS Organ Donation Committee
“When you have not worked together before, and the subject is as sensitive as organ donation, there is probable cause for apprehension. The reality proved to be different.
From the outset and opening discussion it was clear that Humanoid, and the team involved, understood the objectives of producing eight Focuspoint programmes in a short timescale covering topics affecting people’s emotions at a sensitive time. The need to spread awareness of work done by those who are dedicated to helping seriously-ill patients gain added life and be given hope for the future through the generosity of donation underpins the whole purpose of Focuspoint messages.
The results produced certainly have met all the declared expectations and have the merits of reflecting high professional standards in parallel with those of the medical disciplines shared by others.
Your ability to deliver what was needed and to add your dimensions of particular expertise have ensured the programmes have the qualities to make them successful and achieve our goals for them. Viewers have already made clear their praises for the clarity of delivery.
Thank you for working with us at every stage. The results could not have been better.”