This Is Just The Beginning

Humanoid is happy to announce that as of today, we have officially incorporated!
Humanoid was registered on the 11th September 2009 as a limited company, trading under the name “Humanoid Productions Ltd” (Company Number: 7016206).
Directors Martyn Lomax, Anthony Thane, Tom Down & Christopher Gandy – all first class BSc Film Production Technology graduates – aim to push Humanoid forward, ultimately becoming a market leader in video production.
“We are a close-knit crew who produce fantastic results every time. This is down to our broad technical knowledge, creative flair and professional work ethos. We are extremely fortunate to have this opportunity and are ready to prove ourselves to the industry.”
—Martyn Lomax, Humanoid’s Managing Director
Humanoid provides premium video and animation solutions to help businesses and organisations convey ideas or promote their products and services in a visually creative way.
Based at Stafford Technology Park, Humanoid was established with the help of Staffordshire University’s business start-up scheme (SPEED), funded by Advantage West Midlands.
“It’s all slotting into place: we work well together, we all have the experience and the drive to make it happen – I can’t wait to see where we end up in a few years’ time.”
—Christopher Gandy, Humanoid’s Creative Director