The Breathe Easy Award

The Brief
The Breathe Easy team asked Humanoid to produce a video summarising their values, showcasing their facilities and highlighting some local case studies and success stories from the Smokefree programme.
The Solution
We shadowed Breathe Easy on the road for a day, capturing footage of a typical one-on-one session with their biometric kit and age progression software, as well as interviews with partners at Vodaphone and Royal Mail.
The Result
The video not only spread awareness of the Breathe Easy Award among local businesses, but was also used as part of a presentation on the success of the programme when it reached its project review milestone.
Humanoid has just completed a short promotional film for the Breathe Easy Award, an anti-smoking scheme by Staffordshire County Council & Stoke City Council, in partnership with the NHS.
The scheme aims to help local business become healthy and smoke-free.The Breathe Easy scheme is complimented by the “Smoke-Free Promotional Van”, which travels to offer businesses advice, services and encouragement to create a smoke-free environment.
The van is equipped with lung capacity testers and age progression software, giving individuals first-hand experience of the current and future side effects of smoking on their bodies.
Humanoid interviewed management and staff at Vodafone & Royal Mail in Stoke to outline the benefits of Breathe Easy to businesses and individuals.
Click the link below to watch the promotional video for the Breathe Easy Award.