Midlands Engine
PR agency Voiceboxx approached Humanoid to support their multi-channel marketing campaign for Midlands Engine. The aim of the videos was to widen awareness as well as promote international trade opportunities.
Humanoid captured interviews with International Trade Advisors and several business leaders across the Midlands. The team travelled to Addmaster UK, Royal Crown Derby, Hallam Internet and JMB Partnership. The footage was cut together into a suite of videos covering a variety of campaign themes, and included supporting footage from each location. These included, ‘route to export’, ‘Why Export’, ‘How the DIT help’ and ‘Brand UK’. In addition to this, individual case study videos were produced for each of the featured businesses.
The completed videos were posted across social media and have been used as marketing collateral by International Trade Advisors. The content has led to increased awareness of export opportunities and the videos are continuing to have a positive effect post‑campaign.