Laser Quest Mission Briefing
The Brief
Laser Quest GB approached Humanoid to update their mission briefing video to coincide with the launch of their newest arena. The video needed to follow a sci-fi theme, allow for interaction with members of staff and feature a number of alternate versions.
The Solution
We developed Laser Quest’s script into a storyboarded video sequence. An actor was shot in live action against a green screen and composited onto the virtual bridge of a space station, while the rules of play were illustrated through a 3D character animation sequence.
The Result
The videos were rolled out at arenas across the UK and beyond, to a great response from contestants. The Mission Commander will be briefing players all day at a Laser Quest franchise near you – stop by and experience the laser tag action for yourself!
Humanoid’s latest project required a trip into outer space! We produced a series of sci-fi mission briefing videos for Laser Quest: the world’s biggest laser tag operator, with over 200 sites across the globe.
Laser Quest GB came to Humanoid with a mission briefing of their own: to deliver their mandatory rules of play and safety briefings in a succinct, memorable and entertaining way that would make the important points watchable and captivating for a crowd of all ages.
Working from a script developed by Laser Quest and their franchisees, we put out a casting call for the lead role of the blustering Mission Commander. With dozens of applications to choose between, we invited the Laser Quest team to an online audition, where stage actor Mark Topping was selected for the part.
Live action footage was shot in 4K super-HD on a green screen soundstage in central Birmingham. The demanding shoot required Mark to perfectly deliver eight slightly different versions of the script, providing a range of intros and endings for repeat viewing, as well as alternate wording for UK and European sites – click here to read his blog about the experience.
In post-production, Humanoid’s VFX team replaced the green screen with a 3D-rendered virtual set, complete with star field, holographic display and even a dead body floating through space!
The storyboarded character animation brought the safety briefing to life in a 3D environment reminiscent of Star Trek’s holodeck, with the voice of television’s Lara de-Leuw as the disembodied AI instructor. Alternate combinations of rules were illustrated to cater for different sites.
“When I was growing up, our local Laser Quest was always the place to go for birthdays and parties, so it was really great to discover we’d be creating their next generation of mission briefings. We always look forward to working on a video that’s out of the ordinary, and this more than qualifies!”
–Tom Down, Humanoid’s Project Director
The completed videos premiered at the launch of Moon Base Alpha: Laser Quest’s newest franchise in Newcastle-under-Lyme.
To see the full series of briefing videos, stop by your nearest Laser Quest arena and play a few rounds!