Introducing NSEG
The Brief
NSEG asked Humanoid to create them a short introductory video, promoting their role in local apprenticeship schemes and the accredited training workshops they offer to member companies.
The Solution
We interviewed NSEG students, trainers and trustees, combining the footage with industrial shots from local member companies and staged examples of core health and safety training.
The Result
The resulting two and a half-minute video had a fantastic response at NSEG headquarters and from their members. They are due to expand their video campaign in the near future.
After working closely with Humanoid on Leek College’s production, the North Staffordshire Engineering Group (NSEG) were keen to produce a video of their own.
The Staffordshire-based charity is funded by local engineering firms to organise apprenticeships and accredited training for its members. Humanoid spent two days at NSEG’s headquarters in Stoke-on-Trent, shadowing training advisors as they delivered health and safety workshops, and conducting interviews with both member company executives and trainee apprentices.
“The quality of production and attention to detail did not go unnoticed. Humanoid’s understanding of our needs and the engineering sector itself has ensured that not only were we delighted with the finished product but many of our members, having seen the film, have also enlisted their help.”
—Paul Williams, NSEG’s Chief Executive
Click the link below to watch the promotional video introducing NSEG.