Biomaster Healthcare
The Brief
Addmaster asked Humanoid to produce a animated promo for their Biomaster antibacterial product, suitable for both trade show exhibits and web.
The Solution
We continued the style of their Campylobacter animation, replacing a presenter with full motion graphics — captioned for exhibits and narrated for web.
The Result
Addmaster were very impressed with the video, which premiered at Healthcare Estates 2015. They now plan their future exhibits around a large cinematic display.
Humanoid’s latest animation for Addmaster brings the benefits of their antibacterial Biomaster additive to the healthcare sector.
Launched at 2015’s Healthcare Estates show in Manchester, the new motion infographic is a guide to the science and history of antibacterial silver.
After the online and trade show success of their Campylobacter video, Addmaster requested two versions of the Healthcare animation, suitable as both a silent captioned presentation at exhibitions and a faster-paced web video with voiceover narration.
“Video has to move at a different pace in different contexts. The trade show version needed to give people time to read and comprehend the text, but the web edition could move much faster — even combining multiple ideas on a single screen. We storyboarded the final sequence with both outcomes in mind.”
–Tom Down, Humanoid’s Project Director
Humanoid developed Addmaster’s written script into a visual sequence, created to match the Campylobacter video as part of a suite. The project was also designed to stand apart from the animation we produced simultaneously for Addmaster’s client NYMAS, to be premiered at the same event.
The captioned version was delivered ahead of the trade show, where it caught the eye of passers-by and proved to be a great conversation-starter for the sales team on the stand.
Shortly after the show, Addmaster joined Humanoid for the voiceover recording session. The animation was synchronised to the voiceover, and the layout was refined to adjust for the removed text.
Addmaster has had a great response to the video, and quickly commissioned a Spanish language update of the same animation for an international audience.