Video News Update: July 2016
This video news update comes to you from Humanoid’s new Birmingham studio!
The former factory, located in the Jubilee Trade Centre, has been transformed into the perfect studio with all the bells and whistles. Great for green screen, and with endless possibilities for custom sets, VFX, presenter work, interviews and product demos.
We recently used the studio to produce a video for Sealwise: a company promoting a new wonder product, taking on traditional MDF chipboard. The video — targeting the healthcare sector — features Professor of Microbiology Anthony Hilton, and takes place in a seamless 3D hospital ward environment. Using additional live action studio and 3D elements, the video visually showcases the material properties, environmental benefits and huge long-term cost savings.
We also went to Old Trafford Cricket Ground earlier this year, to film a short promo for ex-England Captain Michael Vaughan. The video is being produced to support Michael’s new concept “Wallop Zones”, with the aim to get more kids playing the game of cricket, making it more accessible with cheaper kit and cheaper coaching.
Humanoid has produced yet another video for the Midlands Air Ambulance, this time celebrating 25 years of the charity saving lives. The Air25 video is made up of interviews from the founders, fundraisers, and one of the first patients to be airlifted and saved by the charity. The video was screened at their garden party at Hagley Hall — raising the roof, and raising awareness for the continuation of its great work — which is completely reliant on donations.
Just down the road from Air Ambulance HQ, the Black Country Growth Hub has also been taking advantage of The Power Of Video! This promotional video showcases the Hub’s vast business support network, and the assistance available to local businesses. The video features interviews from the Growth Hub staff, and interviews with supporting footage from the companies who have directly benefited from the Growth Hub’s support.
And finally, Humanoid have been out and about herding livestock, in a series of short videos for LM Bateman, to promote their range of farm equipment. The videos were shot in Leek’s rolling countryside, highlighting the features and benefits of the Bateman cattle management system, sheep vet and cattle crush. The animals performed well on the day, and it was great to see the Bateman products in action.
Until the next video update, thanks for watching!